Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and is gaining popularity day-by-day. Using PowerShell to manage the Active Directory environment not only saves time for the system administrator, but end users also benefit as they see their requests being fulfilled in very little time. The book starts with an overview of the components, software, and modules required to manage Active Directory with PowerShell. It then moves on to help you create and manage users, computer accounts, and group policies with simple examples to automate daily tasks. Furthermore, it covers topics such as GPOs, DNS Server/Client, DFS-N, and DFS-R automation. It also demonstrates how to automate some advanced operations so that they can be scripted to perform in a faster and more efficient way. By the end of this book, you will be competent enough to use PowerShell to manage your Active Directory environment and will gain all the required knowledge to automate your daily operations.
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