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Gradle for Android

Kevin Pelgrims


  • Publisher
  • ISBN
  • ePub ISBN
  • Packt
  • 9781783986835
  • 9781783986835
  • Published at
  • Pressing
  • 2015
  • 1

About this book

Gradle is an open source build automation system that introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) to configure projects. Using Gradle makes it easy for Android developers to manage dependencies and set up the entire build process. This book begins by taking you through the basics of Gradle and how it works with Android Studio. Furthermore, you will learn how to add local and remote dependencies to your project. You will work with build variants, such as debug and release, paid and free, and even combinations of these things. The book will also help you set up unit and integration testing with different libraries and will show how Gradle and Android Studio can make running tests easier. Finally, you will be shown a number of tips and tricks on the advanced customization of your application's build process. By the end of this book, you will be able to customize the entire build process, and create your own tasks and plugins for your Gradle builds.

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