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Scratch 2.0 Beginner's Guide

Michael Badger


  • Publisher
  • ISBN
  • ePub ISBN
  • Packt
  • 9781782160731
  • 9781782160731
  • Published at
  • Pressing
  • 2014
  • 2

About this book

The book uses step-by-step instructions along with full code listings for each exercise. After each exercise, the author pauses to reflect, explain, and offer insights before building on the project. The author approaches the content with the belief that we are all teachers and that you are reading this book not only because you want to learn, but because you want to share your knowledge with others. Motivated students can pick up this book and teach themselves how to program because the book takes a simple, strategic, and structured approach to learning Scratch. Parents can grasp the fundamentals so that they can guide their children through introductory Scratch programming exercises. It's perfect for homeschool families. Teachers of all disciplines from computer science to English can quickly get up to speed with Scratch and adapt the projects for use in the classroom.

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