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JBoss Portal Server Development

Ramanujam Rao


  • Publisher
  • ISBN
  • ePub ISBN
  • Packt
  • 9781847194114
  • 9781847194114
  • Published at
  • Pressing
  • 2009
  • 1

About this book

The book is written from a developer perspective and uses an example-driven approach with extensive code samples on each topic, for easy understanding and learning. It starts with some basic concepts of portals, before going into the features and implementation of JBoss Portal and eventually discussing some concepts for advanced use. Each chapter provides a blend of just enough basic concepts to start building applications and detailed configurations for reference. This book is for portal developers, portal administrators, designers and architects working on the Java platform, who want to build web portal solutions. The book doesn't expect an expert knowledge of portal or JEE technologies, but does presume a basic understanding of web technologies and the Java/JEE platform. However, the concepts are lucid enough that any competent developer can easily find immediate value in the book and start creating dynamic portal applications.

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