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Elementary Statistics: Pearson New International Edition

Mario F. Triola


  • Publisher
  • ISBN
  • ePub ISBN
  • Pearson UK
  • 9781292055787
  • 9781292039411
  • Published at
  • Pressing
  • 2013
  • 12

About this book

From SAT scores to job search methods, statistics influences and shapes the world around us. Marty Triola’s text continues to be the bestseller because it helps students understand the relationship between statistics and the world, bringing life to the theory and methods. Elementary Statistics raises the bar with every edition by incorporating an unprecedented amount of real and interesting data that will help instructors connect with students today, and help them connect statistics to their daily lives. The Twelfth Edition contains more than 1,800 exercises, 89% of which use real data and 85% of which are new. Hundreds of examples are included, 91% of which use real data and 84% of which are new. New coverage of Ethics in Statistics highlights new guidelines that have been established in industry. The accompanying MyStatLab™ online course provides users with countless opportunities to practice, plus learning tools that enhance their experience and comprehension. Instructions and displays for StatCrunch®, Pearson’s powerful online statistical software, are now integrated into the text as well as the MyStatLab course. Elementary Statistics is part of a series that also includes an Essentials version as well as technology-specific texts, Elementary Statistics Using the TI 83/84 Calculator and Elementary Statistics Using Excel.Data sets and other resources for this series are available at our website.

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