Timely and practical, Pattern Changing for Abused Women is a manual designed for those who are currently facilitating or would like to start a group for abused and formerly abused women. The book is based on the accumulated experience of the authors and groups they have facilitated over the past eight years. Along with the material for clients, group leaders are provided with easy-to-follow scripts for each session. The program focuses on the woman herself, and her own power to change the course of her life. Its goal is for women to begin to understand the problem of abuse and its realities for the entire family, to become aware of their lifelong patterns, to set realistic goals, and to learn techniques for developing new patterns of their own choosing. Sessions are not intended to function as group therapy and clients who are not already in counseling are frequently referred for psychological help. Intended for group leaders of educational groups for battered women, social workers and counseling psychologists will also find the book valuable in dealing with this population.
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