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Suicide Prevention in Indigenous Communities

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Children, Youth, and Families, Board on Health Care Services, Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Forum for Children's Well-Being


  • Publisher
  • ISBN
  • ePub ISBN
  • National Academies
  • 9780309694773
  • 9780309694742
  • Published at
  • Pressing
  • 2022
  • 0

About this book

<p>Indigenous communities experience higher risks for suicide compared to the general U.S. population, with suicide as the second-leading cause of death among Indigenous children and young adults in North America. To reduce this trend, it is essential for prevention and intervention efforts to build on scientific evidence; cultural and local knowledge; and the best community, family, and institutional practices to reduce risk and increase protection. The Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders and the Forum for Children's Well-Being at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a three-part virtual public workshop on April 26, 2022, May 13, 2022, and June 10, 2022, to examine suicide risk and protective factors in Indigenous populations, discuss culturally appropriate and effective suicide prevention policies and programs, explore existing data systems and how data can be used for tracking suicide rates, and consider opportunities for action. This Proceedings highlights presentations and discussions from the workshop.</p>

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