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Affordable and unlimited access to
high-quality digital textbooks

Education should know no bounds. With BUKU, enjoy limitless online and offline access to textbooks from globally renowned publishers.

In-app infographic and visualisation of the Institutions dashboard

"Thank you BUKU for availing high quality textbooks for all Namibian learners and offering the opportunity to our local publishing houses to join your platform"

His Excellency, Nangolo Mbumba - President of Namibia

Free subscription for teachers

The BUKU subscription is free for teachers if you sign up using the teacher account of your college or university.

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Expanding library

Our library is ever-growing. New books and publishers are added weekly, ensuring a diverse and updated collection. All teachers and students have access to over 150.000 textbooks, 1.000+ topics and subtopics

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Unlimited learning resources

All users can access our 150.000 books and 1,000+ topics. No need to purchase expensive book packages upfront. Easily offer new courses with our vast resources.

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Off-Campus access

Hassle-free remote access. No need for proxies or complex IP configurations. Study from anywhere with ease.

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Concurrent usage

Enjoy unrestricted access. No limitations on the number of users, ensuring everyone can connect simultaneously.

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Seamless integration

Experience the ease of free Single Sign-On (SSO). Use one school account for LMS, Email, and more. We'll collaborate with your IT team for a smooth integration.

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Analysing reading behavior

Gain insights with our User Management Dashboard. Understand the reading habits and preferences of your students.

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No surprises. Truly all-in service.

Benefit from our local representation and solutions tailored to your institutions’ needs. And hey, here's the best part: all additional services like integrating SSO or training for staff and students comes at no extra cost.

Empower your institution

Ready to offer your students and staff affordable and unlimited access to textbooks? Contact us to explore how together, we can redefine digital learning.

Get in touch with us
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